Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Feeding Sheep The Right Way - Nutritional Needs For Raising Healthy Sheep

Today we will talk about the proper nutrition for your sheep. Sheep get most of their nutritional needs from the following in no particular order:

- Hay

- Silage

- Grains

- Pasture

Hay is a good source of food for feeding sheep especially when pasture is readily available. This usually happens when the weather is not suitable for grazing or the animals are just kept in a barn for a period of time. Hay may come in different forms but experts agree that if you are to feed hay to your sheep delineate the type of hay you will feed them Mixed hay composed of grass, legumes and other herbaceous plants like second-cutting or mixed grass types are cheaper when your sheep are under gestation period. You must reserve the higher quality type of hay like Alfalfa hay for lactating ewes since it promotes better milk production and contains a high concentration of protein and calcium. Be sure that your hay stack is free from mold and must.

Silage is a succulent variety of fodder for sheep. It is composed mainly of plant material from corn, oats and others and kept in a silo covered by plastic. Its moisture content is high and a good source nutrient for your sheep. The lactic acid that builds up during its production serves as a preservative for your stock supply. In feeding sheep, do not serve frozen or moldy silage to your flock and throw away those that do not pass your quality inspection.

Grains are used for supplemental nutrition in the whole diet plan of your sheep herd. Corn, soybean as well as oat, sorghum and wheat are used extensively for grain feeding. As a meal replacement each type of grain has its nutritional value at the top of the chain are corns and soybean. To help you choose which grain is best for you try to figure in the costs of each grain choice and from there you can make an assessment.

Pasture is the main and staple source of food for your sheep. Having a good supply of pasture in fact is enough to meet the needs of your sheep with respect to their nutritional requirements. The ideal pasture would be composed of leafy vegetation no more than six inches tall. Over seeding clover during winter on your pasture will ensure that the forage in your area is sufficient come grazing season. When you start feeding sheep or grazing you will notice that not all areas have enough pasture to graze on.

All these available food sources should be supplemented with minerals and salts so that your sheep flock will have better performance in late pregnancy.

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Cleaning Green � A Simple Guide to Natural Cleaning

There are numerous products sitting around every household that are super heroes of the natural cleaning world. Most people just don’t realize that they don’t need to go out and buy so many cleaning products, because their kitchen pantry is filled with natural alternatives.

Natural cleaning has several benefits, it is better for the environment, it cuts down on harmful chemicals in the air we breathe and it keeps more packaging products (plastic bottles…) out of our landfills. It’s also cheaper, why spend money on a separate cleaning product for every task. The benefits go on and on, grab a good book about natural cleaning and find out more of its benefits at your local library.

Here are a few of my favorite natural cleaning recipes and tips:

Baking Soda:

• Mix a small amount of baking soda with liquid castile soap to get countertops, sinks and tubs sparkling like new.

• Sprinkle the carpet with baking soda before you vacuum to release pet odors.

• Take one cup of baking soda and four cups of water and let it dissolve then put in a spray bottle and spray on stubborn stains. (Make a thick paste to rub on with your hands for tougher stains.)

• Clean your toilet by pouring one part baking soda to four parts vinegar into the toilet. Let it sit 15-30 minutes (deending on the degree of the stains) before scrubbing.

Lemon Juice:

• Clean copper with lemon juice. Cut a lemon in half. Dip it in salt, and rub gently in a circular motion to clean spots from your copper.

• Countertop stains can be zapped away by applying lemon juice to sit on to the stain for a few minutes (not too long, it can damage certain surfaces). Follow up by scrubbing the stain with baking soda.

• Lemon juice is a natures bleach. Apply lemon juice to white linens and clothing and lay them in the sun to dry. Stains will be bleached away.

Hydrogen Peroxide:

• To treat mold in the bathroom, fill a spray bottle with 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide and 1 cup water. Spray onto moldy areas, let sit for an hour, then rinse off.

• Keep a spray bottle of hydrogen peroxide and another of white vinegar (don't mix the two in one bottle). For a disinfecting spray, for vegetables and surfaces, spritz with one, then the other, then wipe clean.

Olive Oil

• Polish your furniture by mixing together equal parts olive oil and white vinegar.

• To brighten brass surfaces, rub with a cloth dampened with olive oil after cleaning. This will keep the brass from tarnishing.

• Keep stainless steel surfaces free of streaks and finger prints by rubbing olive oil onto stainless steel surfaces.

• Mix 1/4 cup olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice for a natural shoe polish. Buff the mixture on and then buff away.

If you’re one of those people (like me) that loves a fresh smell after cleaning try adding a few drops of essential oils like lavender, jasmine or eucalyptus to any of the mixtures. The oils can add cleaning power to the mixtures too!

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Organic Solution Prevent Black Mold

The fastest and safest natural cleaning product to remove mold spores is black mold. Now no need to use harsh chemicals which give offensive odors. One more developed agent from green cleaning product released in the form of solution in a friendly used kit. http://propertyperfections.net will give you complete updated information on product formulations about black mold removers. Human body is affected by black mold. To counter attack such adverse effects natural cleaning products are being developed. While most green cleaning products and solutions are not to be removers, there are a few that destroy and prevent black mold.

Having an organic solution do both the killing of the black mold as well as the prevention method, is priceless. Many attempts to kill mold by bleach become vain in United States. Both protection and cleaning by natural cleaning solutions became very popular.

You need right source to attack in destroying black mold. This will stop spores from regeneration. A real hard time that most of environmentally friendly cleaning products to tackle with black mold. It is dangerous to inhale during chemical bleaching operations.

Natural cleaning product is used to remove the mold and a protectant is added. The protectant must be capable to developing "Safe Shield" which makes a clear barrier on the sprayed area. The mold and mildew will be placed into a bubble by this barrier. The steps that are used in mold remediation are black mold spores encapsulation. It is essential to encapsulate the area after fully removing the problem to ensure black mold will never come back.

For preventing coming back of black mold, you must try to get a powerful mold kit that contains natural cleaning product. This kit will include a mold cleaner called Molderizer and a powerful blocker called Safe Shield. Your home and family will be protected by use of these two solutions. I

The symptoms will not be same for the persons that used a type of toxic mold. Living with organisms like mildew, mold and fungi is painful. Black mold is a powerful organism that has excrement that is toxic, thus the name toxic black mold. Individuals are more susceptible to many species of toxic black mold.

Below are some important black mold symptoms you will need to be aware of. If you are dealing with mold and mildew, you must know the top 7 black mold symptoms.

The result of inhaling the airborne toxins of black mold and mildew spores is dizziness and migraine type headaches.

Coughing and wheezing are the second mold symptoms. Excess multiplication of mold in the lings cavities need lung removal

Skin iffitations. If the organisms touch skin, will produce skin rashes.

To learn about black mold and toxic mold symptoms be sure to read about it first and not dive into touching the organisms without any special gloves, eye gear, and protection. Though every body may not suffer from the effects of black toxic mold but it is essential to know about it. If they do, you should immediately try to get fresh air as this will lessen the symptoms. Proper medicines should be obtained by doctor if symptoms of black mold worsen.

Trying to find more desirable ways of mold cleaning? Have a look at our mold remediation products section for more creative tips and advice.

Healthy Fall Housecleaning

As your calendar pages fly by, carrying you through October and into November, many of you will participate in that age-old tradition called fall housecleaning. You'll be packing up the swim toys, summer clothes, picnic baskets, and oscillating fans. Then you'll dig out the winter coats, boots, comfy afghans, fireplace tools, and, if you are lucky enough to live where snow falls, sleds and ice skates.

You'll be busy cleaning out the dust and grime tracked in by kids and dogs and by breezes blowing through open windows all the busy summer long. Before you snuggle in for the winter to enjoy family evenings around the crackling fireplace or have those holiday gatherings with all their hustle and bustle, you'll probably wax, polish, and clean your house until the fireplace glow is reflected throughout the room.

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of this time-honored tradition. Not only can you make your home clean, well ordered, and homey, ready for the long winter months, but you can actually make it a healthier place for your family and improve your own personal health as you work.

As you do your fall housecleaning, remember to focus on those areas that contribute to allergies. A multitude of things in your home can trigger allergies, from mold, to dust in bedding and on furniture, to your family pet. Even those friendly, burning candles can contribute to toxic air and allergy problems. Let's discuss these allergy-producing problem areas.

You can find mold in damp basements, refrigerator drip pans, air conditioners, garbage pails, shower stalls, and closets. There are non-toxic cleaning products that will get rid of existing mold. As an extra precaution, use exhaust fans in kitchen and bathroom and open windows on low humidity days to refresh household air. Don't forget to dust and clean heating units and oil burners, checking for foreign objects in heating elements.

As you attack all that summer dust, remember that it contains allergy triggering, microscopic dust mites that feast on shed human and animal skin cells. These fecal-producing dust mites thrive in warm and humid places like beds, furniture, and carpets. After you vacuum and dust thoroughly with a vacuum that filters dust and does not allow it back into the air, use hot-water washing and high-heat drying to launder all bedding and stuffed toys. For further protection, put anti-allergen covers on bedding, even box springs and dehumidify the air, including closets and cabinets.

Remember that your family pet also contributes to toxic air and allergies. Pet dander (skin flakes) is a nearly invisible pollution that your pet releases as it grooms, releasing dander and proteins from saliva into the air. Bathe pet, using dander-reducing shampoo, and follow up with an anti-dander spray. To help keep pet dander allergies down, install HEPA filters in air and heat systems to help keep the air clean.

Have you been wondering how all this work is going to improve your own personal health? Well, I'm sure you have heard that any physical activity that raises and keeps your heart rate in its target zone for at least 20 minutes a day helps you lose weight and get fit. That includes serious housecleaning. As you scrub and polish your home, you can also tone, exercise, and oxygenate your muscles. After warming up with light activity like dusting and tidying up rooms, build up your work intensity and speed to raise your heart rate to your personal workout zone.

As you vacuum or mop, breathe deeply and lunge, switching sides to work out both arms. Put your whole body into mopping, scrubbing, or stair climbing. Swing your arms, pump your legs, and fill waiting time at the dryer or microwave with squats, push-ups, or other exercises. Turn on energizing music and dance your way through your chores. Stretch your body in every way possible as you keep your heart rate in the zone for 20 minutes. Cool down with lighter chores and enjoy your workout, knowing that not only will your fall housecleaning be done, but you will have contributed to your own personal wellness and fitness at the same time.

There's another very pleasant thing you can do this fall that will contribute to the humidity balance and oxygen level of your home and quietly clean pollutants, gasses, and toxins out of the air. You can decorate your home with air-cleansing houseplants. Palms, ferns, and ivy are especially good at removing toxic gases from the air. A plant for every 10 square yards of floor space will both cleanse and beautify your home.

As each room is completed, you may want to set a homey scene with aromatic candles. Unfortunately, candles, especially if they are scented, release toxic soot, carcinogens, and even lead (from wire wicks), that flood the air with enough pollution to ruin computers and furnishings and affect breathing, especially for people with asthma, lung, or heart disease. Fragrance oil candles and container candles don't burn cleanly and are even more dangerous than open-flame candles. You can use diffusers for aromatherapy and choose unscented candles with no petroleum products and wire-free wicks for atmosphere.

When your fall housecleaning is finished, sit back, put your feet up, relax with a cup of herbal tea before the fire, and know that both you and your family will enjoy your cleaner, healthier home in the winter months ahead.

Copyright (c) 2006 Dr. Eileen Silva

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Prevent Cancer Through A Detox Diet

Getting cancer is very common nowadays. It may be a loved one, a relative or your next door neighbour, who has got cancer and is now desperately trying to find a cancer cure. Finding a cure when one is already diagnosed with cancer is definitely more difficult and nerve wrenching than adopting good cancer prevention habits in the first place. Learning how to prevent cancer is a must for everyone because cancer does not discriminate - anyone can get it.

To treat and prevent cancer, new ideas are being thrown out there everyday, but all of them are based on living a healthy lifestyle. Going on a detox diet is a newer form of cancer prevention that has really taken off.

Preventing cancer is possible if you keep your body healthy and free of toxins. Eating healthily is always advisable no matter what disease you are fighting. The reason for this is that healthy foods contain vitamins and have properties that make your body function better. A body that functions properly and at an efficient level stays healthier. That brings us to exercise. Exercise helps your body to burn fat and keeps your muscles toned. It also helps your heart and lungs work better which allows your blood to flow better and keeps waste moving through your body properly. Keeping a healthy lifestyle prepares your body to be healthy.

A detox diet helps your body organs to work at its optimal level and without obstruction. It helps help to remove toxins from your body and remove waste more efficiently. A detox program usually involves lots of fiber and water, and giving your body organs a break. Fiber helps your body to remove waste, which frees up your system to digest food better. This in return gives you more energy. Water has an overall effect on your energy levels and how your body functions. Instead of letting waste build up and causing loads of problems, the detox diet rids your body of waste that frees up your colon. In a nutshell, the detox diet lets your colon get back to work and for your colon to work optimally once again. A colon that is not working can only result in cancer.

Because all the causes of cancer are unknown, but just taking the time to become healthier in cancer prevention can do a lot for your health and future outlook.

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Mold Removal Vallejo CA, Water Damage, Fire Damage Restoration, Air Duct Cleaning

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Mold Removal Vallejo CA, Water Damage, Fire Damage Restoration, Air Duct Cleaning

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5 Secrets To Growing Beautiful Roses

A rose is a rose is rose - and there are few things in the garden more beautiful.

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Sacramento Mold Damage

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Mold Damage and Removal in Tucson

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What Cleaning Contractors Need to Know About Mold in Carpet

One area of growing concern to building owners is indoor air quality. Feeding poor indoor air quality can be one of over 1,000 types of mold found in the United States and over 100,000 types found worldwide. Mold and mildew can grow rampant indoors and lead to various health problems such as allergic reactions, asthma, sneezing, eye and skin irritation, and other respiratory complaints. Carpets that are not cleaned and dried properly can be a haven for mold spores, which thrive on excessive moisture.

There is no practical way to keep mold spores from entering your buildings. Spores enter through open doorways, windows, and ventilation systems. People also track mold spores through buildings, as they can attach themselves to clothing and shoes.

Molds need three things to grow: moisture, nutrients and a suitable material such as carpet, paper, ceiling tiles, drywall or a host of other materials. When molds are disturbed they are released into the air and inhaled by the people in the room. Some individuals are not affected by mold, but others can be highly sensitive.

If asked to clean a carpet that has mold problems you need to first assess the situation. Are there underlying factors that are causing excessive moisture? Water problems, such as broken pipes, leaking roofs, over-watered plants or flooding, and improper carpet cleaning can lead to mold in carpets.

Assess the situation to make sure that it is something your company can handle before agreeing to rid the carpet of mold. First make sure the source of the water problem, such as broken pipes or a leaking roof, is fixed. Then make sure the problem has not escalated to a point where the carpet should just be replaced.

If you decide you can handle the job, clean the carpet with a product such as a biocide that is designed to stop microbial growth. Following are some steps to follow when removing mold and mildew from carpet:

1. Apply a low alkaline all-purpose spotter and wipe it off.

2. Rinse with a mild acidic carpet rinse and neutralizer.

3. Thoroughly dry the carpet.

4. Apply a mildew stat carpet sanitizer. Make sure you follow all label directions and recommendations. Let the solution air-dry.

Although the EPA recommends a bleach solution to kill mold in some situations, many of the mold and mildew removers that contain bleach will harm carpet fibers, so you should not use it. While cleaning, employees should wear gloves and respirators to avoid breathing in the mold spores.

After cleaning, use fans to dry the carpet. Once you handle the mold problem and the carpet is dry, use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to remove any remaining mold spores. Vacuums with HEPA filers won’t stir up the remaining mold spores into the air. If the area is one that will continue to have excessive water, you can recommend the building owner replace the carpet with tile or laminate flooring so you can easily mop up the water as needed.

Copyright 2006 The Janitorial Store

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Guide to mold inspection environmental solutions association

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